< Previous/ ISSUE_55 10 Lastest shopping guide YOUR HEALTHY SOUL The mind health workshop provided by the Bangkok Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (BMRC) at Bangkok Hospital What? Currently offering 2-hour classes to anyone regardless of experience in Baking, Chocolate and Ceramics. Why? Learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby has been strongly linked to better mood, general wellbeing and improved mental health. Stepping out of a normally hectic routine, or doing something creative during a hospitalization allows for better stress management. 3. CERAMICS Hands on instruction by professional artists will allow students to create their own original masterpiece. Students learn the clays and techniques that allow them to wheel shape their project by hand. Then decorate it using various tools and additive methods. The decorations are finished with painting before being kiln fired. This takes time but all masterpieces are available for collection or can be mailed to the student. MINDFUL WORKSHOPS 2. CHOCOLATE BEAN TO BAR Thailand is increasingly recognized as a world class producer of cacao and chocolate. In this class you will learn from real chocolate makers. You will learn the chocolate cycle from tree to your mouth, tasting along the way. Chocolate flavuors are as rich and complex as your preferences. Taking your new knowledge students will create chocolate menus they can take home based on their tastes mixing chocolate to use in bon bons, truffles, cookies and more. 1. BAKING ARTS This class provides you the knowledge to create lovely offering just in time for the holidays. Learn basic techniques and recipes through hands on classes with experienced bakers. Take home what you made and learned and impress your friends and family. Menus include Macarons, various cookies and bars, fancy cupcakes, tarts and more. Promotion till December 31, 2024 and while space available. Offer is first come first serve. Regular price for 1 person, each class, 2,900THB. While space available and until December 31: buy one class and bring a friend to the same class for free. Buy one get one free for two people in same class on same date. Or give classes as a gift for friends and family. Purchase 10 classes for one person get one class free 10 classes get 1 class free. Hurry up, limited space available. Discount offers for limited time only. ✱/ ISSUE_55 12 YOUR HEALTHY SENSE Compilation of new eateries BEHIND THE BEANS OPENING HOURS: • Tue-Fri: 12.00 - 5.00 pm • Sat-Sun: 10.00 am - 5.00 pm • Closed on Mondays Step into this charming speciality chocolate shop, where cocoa beans sourced from across Thailand are transformed into rich, flavourful drinks. Behind The Beans crafts both hot and cold chocolate beverages, preserving the natural flavours of each cocoa bean, with no artificial additives or enhancements, allowing the true essence of the chocolate to shine through. TE TIME AND SPACE LOCATION • Thonglor 25 • One Bangkok OPEN TUESDAY TO SUNDAY, 10.00 AM – 7.00 PM Facebook: facebook.com/thetepot Instagram/TikTok: @thetepot TE is a Thai tea brand with the mission to craft unique blends using premium Chinese tea leaves from Fujian Province, famed for their exquisite aroma and flavour refined over a thousand years of tea cultivation. TE blends these with flowers, herbs, and fruits sourced across Thailand into tea blends catering to different needs, from relaxation to boosting energy or aiding digestion. Founded in 2013, the brand uses no artificial colours, flavours or With over 40 varieties of chocolate sourced from nearly 40 provinces, there’s something for every palate whether it’s the 100% sugar-free option (health-conscious chocolate lovers are drawn to this one) or the smooth sweetness of 65% chocolate. Customers can choose from three main flavour profiles—nutty, sweet fruity, or tangy fruity—to indulge in a drink tailored to their preference. The experience doesn’t stop there. The shop offers an array of cocoa-based products from sweet-tangy fresh cocoa juice (made from the white pulp of cocoa fruit) to cocoa nibs, cocoa butter, cocoa tea, cocoa wine and delightful cocoa-infused snacks. On weekends, enjoy the live demonstration of chocolate-grinding! Watch the chocolate- making process up close, chat with the team and sample freshly ground chocolate for a truly fun, immersive experience. synthetic additives, guaranteeing a pure and therapeutic tea experience. TE goes beyond just serving tea, by also offering TE-Licious Tea Blending Workshops so customers can learn brewing techniques for optimal flavour and health benefits, how to create blends customised for different times of the day, and the opportunity to create a personal blend to take home. Additionally, for a truly personalised experience, TE Therapy invites customers to share their stories with a Tea Designer, who will create a bespoke tea blend inspired by those emotions and memories. ร�าน specialty chocolate ทุี�นำเสนอเมีล็ด้โกโก�จัาก แหล่งปล้กในจัังหวัด้ต่างๆ ทุั�วประเทุศไทุย มีาแปรร้ป เป็นชี็อกโกแลต และนำเสนอในร้ปแบบข้องเครื�องด้ื�มี ชี็อกโกแลต ทุั�งแบบร�อนและเย็น โด้ยทุี�จัะคงเอกลักษณ์์ รสชีาติเด้ิมีและด้่งเสน่ห์ข้องชี็อกโกแลตแต่ละตัวออกมีา โด้ยไมี่มีีการปรุงแต่งกลิ�น และรสชีาติใด้ใด้เพิ�มีเติมี หน�าร�านมีีชี็อกโกแลตให�เลือกมีากกว่า 40 ตัว จัากเกือบ 40 จัังหวัด้ทุั�วประเทุศไทุย มีีตั�งแต่ชี็อกโกแลต 100% ไมี่มีี น�ำตาลเลย เหมีาะสำหรับสายสุข้ภาพ ไปจันถึ่ง 65% สำหรับคนทุี�ชีอบด้ื�มีแบบหวาน กลมีกล่อมีโด้ยจัะมีีเมีน้ เครื�องด้ื�มีจัากชี็อกโกแลตซึ่่�งล้กค�าสามีารถึเลือกชี็อกโกแลต ทุี�ชีื�นชีอบได้� หลักๆ จัะมีีให�เลือก 3 โทุน โทุนถึั�ว โทุนผู้ลไมี� รสหวาน และโทุนผู้ลไมี�รสเปรี�ยว นอกจัากเครื�องด้ื�มีชี็อกโกแลตแล�วทุี�ร�านยังมีีผู้ลิตภัณ์ฑ์์ อื�นๆ ทุี�แปรร้ปจัากโกโก�ไทุยอีกมีากมีาย เชี่น น�ำโกโก�สด้ (น�ำจัากเยื�อสีข้าวข้องโกโก� รสชีาติเปรี�ยวอมีหวาน) โกโก� นิบส์ โกโก�บัตเตอร์ ชีาโกโก� ไวน์โกโก� และข้นมีอีกมีากมีาย ทุี�ใชี�โกโก�เป็นส่วนประกอบ ในทุุกๆ วันหยุด้ หน�าร�านจัะมีีการบด้ชี็อกโกแลต อย้่เป็นประจัำ ล้กค�าสามีารถึเข้�ามีาพ้ด้คุย และจัะเห็นวิธีี การทุำชี็อกโกแลตได้�ทุี�หน�าร�าน มีีการชีิมีชี็อกโกแลตสด้ๆ จัากเครื�องบด้อีกด้�วย TE (ทุี) แบรนด้์ชีาสัญชีาติไทุยทุี�ก่อตั�งในป่ 2013 ด้�วย การริเริ�มีคิด้ค�นชีาเบลนด้์จัากการนำใบชีาจัีนคุณ์ภาพด้ี ข้องจัังหวัด้ฟ้่เจัี�ยน ประเทุศจัีน ทุี�ได้�รับความีนิยมีร้�จััก แพร่หลายในเรื�องข้องกลิ�นหอมีพิเศษเฉพาะตัว อีกทุั�งยัง เป็นแหล่งเริ�มีต�นเพาะปล้กชีามีามีากกว่าพันป่ นำมีาผู้สมี เข้�ากับด้อกไมี� สมีุนไพร และผู้ลไมี�ทุี�คัด้สรรมีาจัากหลาย หลากจัังหวัด้ในประเทุศไทุย เพื�อตอบโจัทุย์ความีต�องการ ข้องล้กค�าในด้�านต่างๆ เชี่น เพื�อความีผู้่อนคลาย เพื�อเพิ�มี พลังงานในตอนเชี�า เพื�อเสริมีการทุำงานข้องระบบการย่อย อาหาร เป็นต�น โด้ยชี้จัุด้เด้่น ความีมีีเอกลักษณ์์ในเรื�องข้อง การไมี่แต่งสี แต่งกลิ�นหรือรสชีาติเพิ�มีเติมีจัากสาร สังเคราะห์ใด้ๆ ทุำให�ได้�รสชีาติและกลิ�นทุี�ได้�จัากวัตถึุด้ิบ ธีรรมีชีาติเพื�อการบำบัด้อย่างแทุ�จัริง มีีกลิ�นและรสชีาติ ทุี�ละมีุนละไมี แฝงไปด้�วยความีสนุกสนาน แปลกใหมี่ จั่งได้�รับความีสนใจัจัากผู้้�รักการด้ื�มีชีาทุุกเพศ ทุุกวัย นอกจัากนี�ยังมีีการให�ความีร้�ในเรื�องชีา การชีงและ การด้ื�มีอย่างถึ้กวิธีี เพื�อให�ได้�รสชีาติ กลิ�นหอมีทุี�ด้ีและได้�รับ ประโยชีน์ต่อร่างกายส้งสุด้จั่งได้�ถึ้กถึ่ายทุอด้ผู้่านกิจักรรมี TE-Licious Tea blending Workshop มีาตั�งแต่ป่แรก ทุี�ก่อตั�ง โด้ยเนื�อหานอกจัากมีุ่งเน�นในเรื�องการชีงชีาเพื�อ ประโยชีน์ต่อร่างกายแล�วยังให�ผู้้�ร่วมีกิจักรรมีได้�ออกแบบ รสชีาติชีาข้องตัวเองแบบทุี�ชีอบ และเหมีาะกับชี่วงเวลา ต่างๆ ข้องวันด้�วยการผู้สมีใบชีากับสมีุนไพรต่างๆ ถึือเป็น กิจักรรมีแปลกใหมี่ทุี�ให�แต่ละคนได้�ใชี�เวลากับตัวเองอย้่นิ�งๆ ค่อยๆ ด้มีกลิ�นหอมีข้องสมีุนไพรแต่ละตัวผู้่อนคลายกับการ ค่อยๆ ทุด้ลองผู้สมีรสชีาติ ชีงชีาด้�วยตนเองและนำ ผู้ลงานชีาทุี�ได้�เป็นความีภ้มีิใจัและข้องทุี�ระล่กกลับบ�าน Session ทุี�ชีื�อว่า “TE Therapy” นั�นล้กค�าสามีารถึมีาเล่า เรื�องราวจัินตนาการ และความีร้�ส่กข้องตัวเองกับ TEA DESIGNER ซึ่่�งจัะเป็นผู้้�ชี่วยเหลือรับฟังเรื�องราวและ แปลความีออกมีาในร้ปข้องใบชีา และสมีุนไพร เพื�อให� ล้กค�าด้ื�มีด้�ำกับชี่วงเวลาด้ีๆ อีกครั�งและสามีารถึเก็บไว�ได้� นานแสนนาน/ ISSUE_55 14 4. MUSCLE RELAXATION Mindfulness can be practised in various positions for muscle relaxation: A) Start by slowly clenching both hands tightly, and hold for a count to three. Slowly release both hands, while focusing on the feeling in them. Return to the clenched fist position, more loosely this time, contract your elbows so that both fists are close to your body and hold for a count to three. When you release, feel the stretch. Continue this sequence slowly, observing the tension at first and then the lightness, and focus on the present. B) Sit firmly on a chair and hold onto the armrests. Lift your legs up and straighten them until you feel a stretch. Count to three and then slowly lower your legs. Repeat. C) Sit on the floor. Stretch both legs forward and then lean forward to touch your toes, alternating between the left and right. We usually think of heath in term of our physical bodies. For example, that we will be healthy by eating the right foods and by exercising in order to strengthen muscles and support vital organs. We may also choose to practice yoga to improve balance and flexibility, as well as overall strength. Most people, however, do not think about health in terms of their mental state. In more recent years, the word “mindfulness” has become popular. The principle of mindfulness enables those who practise it to be healthy in both body and mind. The mind is responsible for thought, problem- solving, planning and has the function of recognising emotions and feelings. EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS: FOR THE HEALTH OF YOUR MIND 1. BECOME AWARE OF YOUR MIND Pick a time, like your morning shower, during which you can exercise mindfulness. Initially your thoughts may lie in the future or the past, such as the traffic on the way to work and an important meeting later in the day, or the movie you watched last night. Practicing mindfulness will begin with the recognition that our thoughts are distracted from the present, and by bringing our thoughts to the present. Take a few minutes to focus, in the case of a shower by hearing the flowing water, feeling its sensation and noticing the fragrance of the shampoo or soap, and exist in the here and now. 2. DEEP BREATHING Breathe as deeply as you can for a few minutes when you need your mind to focus on the present. Take a breath, feel your lungs expand and chest lift up, then breathe out slowly and feel your chest sink. It’s as simple as that. New practitioners may find that their mind will wander back and forth – acknowledge those thoughts and then use this deep-breathing technique to refocus. As you become more experienced you’ll be able to focus your mind on details of your breathing, such as the flow of air entering and exiting your nostrils, and air temperature. Most people feel calmer and more relaxed after this exercise. 3. BODY SCANNING Sit in a chair or even on the floor comfortably, and relax. You may lean back on the chair. Scan your body from head to feet and adjust your posture accordingly. Starting with your head and neck, adjust them to be straight, not looking down or tensed up. Slowly work down your torso, legs and feet. If you find any tense parts such as shoulders that are raised, hands or legs that are tensed, adjust them to relax fully and comfortably. YOUR HEALTHY BODY 5-min exercise Illustrated by Fah Anuntasomboon POST-EXERCISES When you are done, go for a walk for around 5-7 minutes without rushing. While walking, observe your breath continuously, practice being observant and be aware of things around you such as the scent of flowers or the city, the sound of your footsteps or cars or the dog next door, the wind flowing past your skin, colours and things in the distance such as trees. Should any thoughts and feelings beyond the above enter your mind, realise and observe it, then bring your focus back to being aware of the present only. Practicing mindfulness is like leaving dirty water in a glass. Over time, the sediment will fall to the bottom and the water will clear up. But we must practice. The mindfulness exercises further above can offer relief however, like learning to swim, it's better done as a preventative measure instead of having to struggle to learn it after the problems have already occurred. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME SIMPLE EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS TO TRY. IN ALL CASES, THE ACCOMPANYING MOVEMENTS SHOULD BE SLOW AND FOCUSED ON STRETCHING AND RELAXATION:/ ISSUE_55 16 YOUR HEALTHY BRAIN In the know In 2009 an airliner lost power in both engines on takeoff. The pilot managed to land the plane safely in the Hudson River in New York. Captain Sullenberger was widely hailed as a hero and his quick thinking and skill definitely saved the lives of all the people on that flight. Many of you might remember the miracle on the Hudson, but very few people know that Captain Sullenberger struggled with sleeping and concentration for the next three months, and he did not return to the cockpit for nearly six months. MENTAL HEALTH IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS/ ISSUE_55 17 In 2011 the banking industry was still struggling with the aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis. Lloyds Bank in the U.K. was in a serious situation yet when its head Antonio Horta-Osorio requested to take eight weeks’ leave of absence, the board approved. Horta-Osorio later revealed that he was then suffering from severe insomnia and stress, which led to exhaustion, and that he would have done more harm by continuing to lead in that mental condition. Lloyds Bank eventually recovered under his leadership, and its senior executives also underwent a mental health awareness program while staff were trained in mental health first aid. The company also increased their employees’ insurance to cover mental health at the equivalent level as for their physical health. These examples demonstrate how the stigma of mental health has been decreasing. The Covid-19 pandemic also raised awareness of mental health and nowadays, people generally feel more comfortable talking with friends or colleagues about any stress, moods, sleeping problems or drinking. Mental health problems affect one in five adults, and it can happen to anyone. There are many evidence-based treatments, which should be based on an individual comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional. With treatment, most people can get back to living a productive and happy life. Even though effective treatment is available and more accessible – for example, you can consult a psychiatrist online – the main obstacle is when people are simply not aware or do not accept that they are showing mental health symptoms. These can range from feeling emotionally unstable to being more short-tempered, having insomnia, poor concentration and decision-making, all leading to poor performance, relationship problems, and perhaps alcohol or substance misuse. An increasing number of people are taking the prevention approach to mental health and also encouraging the promotion of good mental health./ ISSUE_55 18 YOUR HEALTHY BRAIN In the know/ ISSUE_55 19 Recovery is a comprehensive approach to mental health. Recovery focuses on change and strengths, rather than problems. It recognises that a person is not defined only by a diagnosis and looks at the whole process of change, not only the direct desired outcome. With the concept of recovery, you can still live a meaningful and fruitful life with illness either mental or physiological. Mental health doesn’t mean not having a disease (or two). Part of recovery relates to identity. When someone suffers from a non-communicable disease (NCD) such as cancer, for example, they may feel themselves losing a part of their identity. Recovery helps patients change their focus to their disease treatment, and it may also involve them changing their interests, groups of friends and topics they talk about to form a new co-dependent support system. This is helpful for patients with common NCDs such as diabetes or strokes too, who may have difficulty complying with their restricted sugar intake and recommended exercise routine. Without a recovery support system, these patients could end up caught in a vicious cycle of guilt, worsening health and depression. With a NCD a cure often isn’t possible but management of the disease is, and good mental health is key to successfully managing a NCD. At the Bangkok Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (BMRC), recovery begins with setting goals and moving step by step. To motivate a stroke patient to walk, for example, we set small goals to begin with so the patient can experience small successes, which will encourage them to move toward the bigger goals. Physical rehabilitation often isn’t as successful as it could be because of low motivation and moods of patients, who are not aware of the effects of their illness on their mind. BMRC encourages activities that are fun and joyful. It could be something the patient already likes to do, always wanted to try, or even something they have never considered doing before. The therapists help patients to look back to who they were before their RECOVERYAND MINDFULNESS illness. Many of them reply with something solid to work with e.g. that they were a good cook or baker, a happy parent with beautiful children, a keen player of sports, an avid traveller or karaoke singer. The Baking Art Class held at BMRC often elicits a sense of camaraderie between participants with the laughter and fun involved. This baking class is more than a lesson on how to bake. When learning something, the mind becomes clear and focused on the tasks. It’s an exercise in mindfulness as participants turn eggs and flour into fluffy batter, inhale the aroma freshly-baked cookies and taste the bitterness of dark chocolate. It offers participants, especially those with no previous experience, a sense of accomplishment once they have baked cookies from scratch. For a while they are absorbed in being a hopeful home baker, and will forget they are a patient. Please go to page 8 for details about winning a free voucher for one Baking Art Class. We look forward to seeing you at any of our baking, ceramic and chocolate classes.Next >